Greetings fellow writers,
The next in-person meeting of the Glasgow Writers Group will be Thursday, 12 Sept, at 19:00 local time, at the Avant Garde on King Street in central Glasgow, near Merchant City.
Send your pieces to by 23:59 on the Saturday before the meeting (7 Sept in this case). They will be distributed to all subscribers on Sunday (8 Sept).
New members must attend at least one meeting before their first submission. You may be asked to confirm you’ve attended before and/or that you understand our rules before your submission is accepted, we sometimes waive some rules but they all exist for a reason so make sure you’ve read and understand them first.
When you submit, please make an effort to include the following:
Title of submission (untitled pieces are okay but do specify if it really is untitled)
Name of author (or however you wish to be referred to)
Word count (soft max of 3000, but we’re flexible if the total word count of all submissions for a meeting is under 12k)
Content warnings (mandatory for pieces with explicit imagery, graphic violence, discriminatory themes, or other sensitive content - use your best judgement but if in doubt it can’t hurt to include one)
Complete rules and guidelines for submissions and our meetings can be found here:
Don't hesitate to e-mail us if you have any problems submitting, accessing submissions, finding the venue, or anything else. We endeavour to, if we can, keep an eye on our e-mails at least through the start of a meeting in case anyone has any issues.
And remember: We accept just about anything that’s written. Short stories, novel excerpts, essays, poems, scripts, blog posts? If it’s in English, and otherwise conforms to the rules, we’re happy to accept it and offer what feedback we can.
All the best to all you writers and hope to see you at the meeting!
— The Organisers